Parts of Speech

A. Parts of Speech (POS)

When we make a sentence, we use words that belong to the Parts of Speech (POS) as follows:-

1. Noun (n)
2. Pronoun (pron.)
3. Verb (vt/vi.)
4. Adverb (adv)
5. Adjective (a.)
6. Preposition (prep.)
7. Conjunction (conj.)
8. Interjection (inter.)

Terjemahan dalam BM:-

1. Noun - Kata Nama
2. Pronoun - Kata Ganti Nama
3. Verb - Kata Kerja (Transitif/Tidak Transitif)
4. Adverb - Kata Keterangan
5. Adjective - Kata Sifat
6. Preposition - Kata Sendi Nama
7. Conjunction - Kata Hubung
8. Interjection - Kata Seru

1. Nouns - Kata Nama

1.1 Nouns terbahagi kepada empat (4) jenis utama:-
1.1.1  Common Nouns (Kata Nama Am)
1.1.2 Proper Nouns (Kata Nama Khas)
1.1.3 Abstract Nouns (Kata Nama Abstrak) 
1.1.4 Collective Nouns (Kata Nama Majmuk)

1.2 Nouns terbahagi pula kepada 4 kumpulan utama:-
1.2.1 People - Orang
1.2.2 Animals - Haiwan
1.2.3 Places - Tempat
1.2.4 Things - Benda

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